BV40 544099700002 54409700007 54409700021 54409880002 54409880007 54409880021 54409880036 Car Turbocharger For Cylinder 2.0 TDI

BV40 544099700002 54409700007 54409700021 54409880002 54409880007 54409880021 54409880036 Car Turbocharger For Cylinder 2.0 TDI
- Feng Cheng
- 1-3days
- 3000
Model Number:BV40
Part Number:544099700002 54409700007 54409700021 54409880002 54409880007 54409880021 5440988003
OEM Number:03L253056T 03L253019P 03L253010G 03L253056
Car Make:For VW Golf Passat Sharan Touran 2.0L TDI-CR
Net Weight:3kg
High quality and competitive price.
Long life span, good sales-after service.
100% new, strict inspection & test.
Standard export packing.
Have strong stock, small order is acceptable.
Various kinds are selectable with different car models.
Improve power and increase torque.
Improve fuel economy and reduce fuel consumption.
Reduce waste emissions and reduce environmental pollution.